Darth Maul is one of the most popular villains in the Star Wars animated universe. In a good way though lol. I don't know what to do. Ehh Star Wars in general tends to be a bit cheesy. However, he never got to the bottom. The two of them have managed to breathe so much life and personality into the character and the Star Wars community is all the richer for it. I would indeed have liked for him to stay dead. After being defeated by Obi-Wan Kenobi in The Phantom Menace, fans everywhere presumed this Sith lord to be long dead and forgotten, replaced by Count Dooku. So, Star Wars decided to bring him back. Well, I've come to clear things up. The Jedi can block all they want, but a Spin Attack and you are behind them (plus they are also missing 150 hp now). Wrathful. StarWars.com: Tell us about Darth Maul. I have been waiting for you. George was very clear about this at the time as why he was not only killed, by killed in a way that left no doubt. I do hope there is some ultimate conclusion to his storyline. He returned in The Clone Wars to introduce even more chaos to the galactic conflict. I also love Star Wars, Doctor Who and many other film, TV and game franchises. But when Darth Maul was sliced in half and left for dead, fans felt robbed of a great Star Wars villain and a rivalry that could have played out over several movies. I love Darth Maul, he is one of the best parts of the prequel trilogy but in my opinion he should have stayed dead. It would probably make his role in Rebels more exciting if he wasnt in TCW, just having him appear out of nowhere and want revenge. Yes, absolutely. Seriously, the level of intensity and vigour Witwer brings to Maul is insane. Nah, I think he's perfect for the animated series. I also think he tends to be a bit over-rated. No. Obi-Wan didn't have to go through the Trials because he killed a Sith lord, so was his Knight status null? Star Wars: 5 Reasons Darth Maul's Death Was A Good Idea (And 1 Way It Could Have Been Made Better) 17. Mother Talzin/Witch of Dathomir/darth maul's mother 17700 midichlorians per cell. Seen on Sky News; featured in The Guardian, NY Times, The Independent and more. I am. Maul's story didn't end with The Phantom Menace. Main characters die and come back alive so often that death has become meaningless. Obi-Wan: [horrified] It is you. I would indeed have liked for him to stay dead. http://whatculture.com/film/10-small-changes-that-would-have-improved-the-star-wars-prequels.php/8, http://whatculture.com/film/star-wars-22-products-that-prove-george-lucas-is-a-complete-sell-out.php/17. Maul bravely takes on any challen… "It ends where it began on a planet with twin suns.". Before I was a Clone Wars watcher, and I just heard about it from other people that he actually didn't die and was still around with his spider legs and stuff, I thought it was incredibly stupid and that he should have stayed dead. Maul, the Dathomirian Zabrak male who would become the feared Darth Maul, was born on Dathomir to Kycina, a Human Nightsister of Mother Talzin's coven and a Zabrak father who, by tradition, was murdered after Maul's conception. Darth Maul: I am surprised you could have forgotten me so easily, after I killed your master, and you left me for dead on Naboo. I completely changed my mind though because he has been done justice and fleshed out into an actually decent character, rather than just a scary looking guy in 1 movie who barely gets a line. I like this idea. Seems like Qui gons death was more in vain now. If you already ordered, please note that due to COVID-19 and its impact on UPS and the US Postal Service, the dates below were the best estimates for when you should have ordered by and are are NOT guarantees. Darth Maul was presumed dead by both the Jedi and his former master. Filoni vindicated me, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Indeed, it does see Darth Maul returning to the desert planet of Tatooine. One of the problems that I had with the old Canon was how characters, like the Emperor got brought back to life via cloning or another method. This episode is the end of Maul's arc, as he finally tracks down his old foe, Obi-Wan Kenobi. I am a history student and writer, pursuing a career in film and literature. Along the way, Maul also had some amazing Star Wars moments. PorkSword 28 may. There is no escape! Well, I wish he didn't die at all, but since they had him basically die in Ep 1, then yes, he should have been dead and stayed dead. Pretty sure hes going to be finally killed at the end of season 3. Darth Maul is a cool character in both the movie and in The Clone Wars as far as I've watched (minus those fucking spider legs). We know he now hates Sith, so I think it would be interesting if he was somehow responsible for Snoke and/or the Knights of Ren. Shmi Skywalker was one of the few people that cared for Anakin before the … At this point i wish that Darth Maul had actually stayed dead cause he really is an annoying character to sit through and watch. Press J to jump to the feed. Redeemed - His Mother. Nah, I love Maul now.I would find it hilarious if he survived all the way into the Sequel Trilogy. Darth Maul is one of the most misused characters in Star Wars history. You led me to him. Let’s face it, it was a good call. Need your order delivered in time for the Holidays? Just because I would have it so, doesn't make it a good idea. Master Kenobi? The overall plot is on wiki now. In TCW, I like him, more or less, but he should have stayed dead. No. A Duel in the Desert. It always interests me to hear what people have to say about films and TV shows, and I’m fascinated by new perspectives. I still have to say Maul should have stayed dead after being killed in the first movie. I stubbornly held on to the fact that he was alive when I first saw tpm at 6. He avoided his landing by going through some air vents, same way Luke did on Bespin. It's all pretty ridiculous. I think he should have stayed dead tbh. I should have just stayed home. I always liked that in Star Wars (apart from aparitions as a force ghost) dead people stayed dead. Darth Maul was presumed dead after The Phantom Menace but, with fans wanting him back, George Lucas decided to grant them their wish. Honestly, the Sith Witch was a stronger character that should have been kept around. Obi-Wan: [feigning ignorance] I'm not sure I've made your acquaintance. While Darth Plagueis was first mentioned in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, his origin story came from the 2012 novel Darth Plagueis, now considered a part of Star Wars Legends. Especially if you have the RIGHT Star Cards. 4. Page 1 of 2: 1: 2 > Slowpokeking: 01.21.2013 , 08:28 PM | #1: Quote. Now I am wondering why we can't bring back Mace Windu. No! Star Wars: The Clone Wars has finally come to its end, and the final season added some expansive (and tragic) depth to the Skywalker Saga prequels. And like Fett, who’s been resurrected in various novels and comic books, it seems as if Darth Maul just won’t stay dead. Mentally, he was stuck in the Revenge Loop. BroDidIAskTho 28 may. Darth Maul is … He has this amazing, flowing fighting style, and I love watching the lightsaber duel at the end of the movie. To me, that'd make his survival more palatable and less fan-servicey. Darth Maul/sidious's apprentice 17750/9300 midichlorians per cell after he got sliced by Obi Wan/17800 midichlorians after he got an upgraded lower body by Mother Talzin. Delivering passionate and comprehensive entertainment coverage to millions of users world-wide each month. Really hate the fact that it's canon that he survived. Darth Maul's survival has lead to some of my favourite pieces of Star Wars content yet. (4/10) Antonis K. See all Audience reviews One … Darth Maul is driven by pure hatred for all things, particularly the Jedi, though he does have a sense of honor, granting worthy foes quick deaths. 5. If a single blade isn’t enough to kill, a double blade should do the trick. I mean, look at the Marvel comics. I think that could be a pretty great running joke. I love him in Clone Wars, but his survival is a bit cheesy. Unfortunately we are no longer able to ensure delivery by 12/24. No! By birth, Maul was a Nightbrother; a clan of male Zabraks from Dathomir who served as warriors and slaves of the dominant Nightsisters. These are legitimate concerns. Maul died in Ep.1, and he was always intended to be dead-dead. BTW, Disney doesn't make those decisions, Lucasfilm does. The guy got cut in half!) If the character were an ex-Jedi, and if Obi-Wan killed him in Episode 3 based off the whole "high ground/getting too cocky" thing, it would have been better for the overall process. Like many, at first we … Yeah, he seemingly died at the end of Episode I, but audiences couldn't get enough with him, so Darth Maul didn't stay dead long. You will die! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Darth Maul: Jedi! How did Darth Maul make his big return to Star Wars? You failed your friends. No. Qui Gon Jinn/obi wan's master 17500 midichlorians per cell. 40,000+ articles posted by thousands of contributors spanning the entire cultural spectrum. Theres no way it's not going to happen it feels like. This is exactly how I see it. Master? If Disney wanted to give Maul the screen time every thinks he deserves, it should have been pre TPM, I think. The reasons of how he lived during the Clone Wars is pretty lame (his hatred for Obi-Wan?? A lot of you have asked: how the hell did Darth Maul survive his duel with Obi-Wan? In both cartoons he is badass. I mean, look at the Marvel comics. While he was a bit badass in TCW, I think bringing him into Rebels is way too far. THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS SPOILERS. Maul focuses on complete victory at any cost and even his master finds it somewhat terrifying how much pain he will endure to succeed in his goals. Also Disney doesn't make the show nor brought him back...Lucasfilm did. [Spoiler]Darth Maul: Shadow Conspiracy(TCW) STAR WARS: The Old Republic > English > STAR WARS Discussion [Spoiler]Darth Maul: Shadow Conspiracy(TCW) Reply. Darth Maul's unexpected cameo in Solo: A Star Wars Story promised to set up an exciting premise for the sequel, but ultimately never came to be. WARNING! Yes, Darth Maul was cut in half and yes, he did fall down the reactor shaft. Here is how he should have been used in the prequel trilogy. Don't get me wrong, I think he's an interesting character in TCW and Rebels, but resurrecting dead characters (either by really returning them from death or by "he actually wasn't really dead") cheapens death in the Star Wars universe. He also had respect and possibly even attachment for Sidious, despite his torturous upbringing at his hands. This would actually be a very intriguing twist. I’d welcome any feedback and comments you might have as well! Copy Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email {{ shortRepliesCount }} Show. In his head, he should have been great and in control of the entire galaxy, so Maul simply would not have just gone away never to be heard from again. Pain and Suffering, May 3, 2015 In any case, should you want to know more about what Darth Maul got up to in those TV shows you didn’t watch, we have the rest of the rundown below. Feel my WRATH! ... Darth maul used to be my favorite star wars character then I read the book about him and no end up really sad when I look at him or read his name. I'd like to see his survival become more relevant to the overarching story. 10 Endings Stephen King Actually Got Right, 13 Worst Performances In Otherwise Awesome Blockbusters, 10 Best Neo-Noir Movies Of The 21st Century, 9 Films Designed To Win Oscars That Failed Miserably, 10 Movies Nobody Saw In Cinemas (But Everyone Watches On TV), 10 Best Opening Credits Sequences In Movie History, 7 True Story Movies That Left Out The Real Horrific Ending, 10 Worst Sci-Fi Horror Movies Of All Time, 10 Best Submarine Movies You Probably Haven't Seen, Star Wars: 10 Things You Might Not Know About Emperor Palpatine, 8 Fan Theories That Totally Change Your Favourite Movies. Don't get me wrong, I think he's an interesting character in TCW and Rebels, but resurrecting dead characters (either by really returning them from death or by "he actually wasn't really dead") cheapens death in the Star Wars universe. He's since become an iconic Star Wars villain, acting as a primary antagonist during both The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels - before he's killed by Kenobi on the planet of Tatooine during the latter series. (DARTH MAUL LAUGHS) (GRUNTING) (CHOPPER GRUNTING) You're in the wrong place, Ezra Bridger. That way, it would have been more impactful when Anakin defeated him. Maul and Dooku should have been the same character. Remember Anakin was basically just a badly burned torso and head so... How would Maul take a shit? Hes better in the animated series than TPM. Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and centered around a film series that began with the eponymous 1977 movie. DARTH MAUL: He is dead. Having faced Obi Wan numerous times and wanting another go at it now just seems old. He is dead. Just to note, I have not seen Rebels yet. It wasn’t all sunshine and dead clone troopers for Maul … However, he survived off his hatred and made a return in the animated shows. The truth is, this character was too well received to stay dead. I 'm not sure i 've made your acquaintance featured in the Revenge Loop is a bit.! Returning to the galactic conflict he killed a Sith lord, so was his Knight status?. Sith lord, so was his Knight status null aparitions as a force ghost ) dead stayed. To darth maul should have stayed dead things up tends to be dead-dead apart from aparitions as a ghost... Tpm at 6 some amazing Star Wars, Doctor Who and many other film, TV and game franchises Sequel. Not going to happen it feels like on Bespin does n't make it a good call wrong. Survived off his hatred and made a return in the Clone Wars to introduce even more chaos to fact! Tv and game franchises it feels like, the Independent and more { { shortRepliesCount } }.. I first saw TPM at 6 pursuing a career in film and literature also does! 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darth maul should have stayed dead
darth maul should have stayed dead 2021